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Whimsy Con Report, Pet Trade, and Cameo Cat (Podcast)

Whimsy Con Report, Pet Trade, and Cameo Cat

Carol Van Natta’s Video Podcast #4

This is my author podcast number 4, with last week’s Whimsy Con report, and about my upcoming release of Pet Trade. I had props, too. Oh, and it starts with a cameo appearance by one of my cats.

Astute readers will note the number above and deduce there are three previous videos:

Podcast #1 ~ Podcast #2 ~ Podcast #3

This podcast includes a report of my excellent adventures at the 2018 Whimsy Con in Denver, and why you should buy my upcoming book, Pet Trade. My cat is the real star. Of the podcast, not the book.


This podcast is a recorded Facebook Live session from Friday, 9 March 2018. See https://youtu.be/e2G52kGxO9E


For those who won’t watch a 12-minute of video of anyone who isn’t Ken Watanabe or Danai Gurira (not that I blame you), here’s the TL;DW (too long; didn’t watch) synopsis.

Whimsy Con Report

Whimsy Con Report podcastI met some great people at the 2018 Whimsy Con in Denver: Richard Friesen (epic fantasy, with a complete 5-book series out that starts with The Tower of Dreams), with whom I shared a vendor table for the weekend; author and publisher Milton Davis (fantasy and steampunk), including his fabulous From Here to Timbuktu – steamFUNK adventure); James Hunter (energetic, prolific multi-genre author); Chaz Kemp, artist (he did Friesen’s fantastic covers), Jessica at Wings, Charms, and Things, with whom I will be collaborating on a secret project; Owen Wears, who writes horror and lives in my hometown of Fort Collins—funny that we had to be in south Denver to meet; Carol Hightshoe, the OTHER Carol at the con and owner of Wolfsinger Press, and publisher of some lovely science fiction and fantasy anthologies. James, Carol H., author Guy Anthony DeMarco, and I were on a panel together about self-publishing/indie publishing for ebook and print. I also renewed my acquaintance with Stant Litore, author of fantasy and probably the only zombie books I might want to read.

Several of the the gentle, lively fans of steampunk and fantasy had never heard of space opera, so I had to explain that it’s a genre of science fiction, not a style of space-age music. Speaking of musicals, my friend Kate Blair came by my table, and said “hi” — she stage-managed and assistant-directed several musical productions in which I was in the chorus or had small roles in. The con had an abundance of panels on an amazing array of subjects, so if attendees were bored, it was their own damn fault.

The author guest of honor was Milton Davis. I had the good fortune to share a table with him in the author book-signing session. as I mentioned earlier, he wrote From Here To Timbuktu, which is a whole series. It’s alternate-history steampunk set in the U.S., but not as we know it. Check out the Haitian Revolution for a hint. From what Milton described, it’s international adventure, political skullduggery, and a race to recover a stolen book. Way cool, and it’s at the top of the mountain that is my TBR. And lucky me, I have my very own autographed copy. If Hollywood is listening, this NEEDS to be made into a movie. Just sayin’.


Pet Trade (!)

Whimsy Con report podcast plus the Pet Trade coverYes, it’s finally (almost) here. Pet Trade, a novella that first appeared in last year’s USA TODAY bestselling Embrace the Romance: Pets in Space 2, is available for preorder today for a 20 March 2018 release. The anthology was a limited edition, and is now gone, so I get to publish Pet Trade as a standalone.

The story is set in my Central Galactic Concordance universe, but it’s not a part of the events that are unfolding in the big damn story arc for that series. So even if you haven’t read the rest of my books, you can enjoy Pet Trade on its own. And how can you resist pets in space?

Pet Trade (A Central Galactic Concordance Novella)

A cargo of designer pets means a damaged veterinarian and a fugitive elite forces veteran must work together to protect them and the town from greedy mercenaries.

Reserve your copy today:

Amazon Kobo iTunes Nook Google Play

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I have 6 books out so far in the Central Galactic Concordance space opera series: Last Ship Off Polaris-G, Overload Flux, Minder Rising, Zero Flux, Pico’s Crush, and Jumper’s Hope.

Cameo by My Cat

This podcast opens with short segment of my cat, Kaz, who deigned to sit on the back of my chair and direct part of the podcast. She is easily bored by human activity that does not involve petting or feeding her, so she left about halfway through. She is a purebred (and cross-eyed) Tonkinese of the Platinum Point variety.

Moar Podcasts

I like doing these podcasts, because they’re fun, and as you’ve probably figured out by now, I Haz Opinionz. Look for me on Facebook on an upcoming Friday afternoon (or evening, or next day, depending on your time zone).

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P.S. My YouTube channel also has this video, if that’s easier for you to watch: https://www.youtube.com/c/CarolVanNatta.


whimsy con report