
watercolor and ink illustration of a cat with a background of stylized waves, generated by MidJourney

A.I. Art for April

A.I. Art for April 2023 The big news is that the MidJourney A.I. art service recently released version 5 for user testing. Which promptly caused a bunch of idiots to make free accounts, then try to make rude and deep-fake images. MJ banned a bunch of users and suspended free accounts for the moment. And…

Photo of a dog wearing a bandana with a U.S. flag design, for Hero Dogs and Pets in Space

Hero Dogs and Pets in Space

Hero Dogs and Pets in Space  Today in the U.S. is Veteran’s Day. [EDITOR’S NOTE: Well, actually, it was last week. A website glitch prevented this from posting until I noticed it today.] I love Hero Dogs (don’t tell my cats). I also love Pets in Space®. Here’s why Hero Dogs and Pets in Space…

The cat who cosplays books

Author Cosplays Cat for Book

Author Cosplays Cat for Book; Lives to Tell the Tale Once again, your author correspondent had the bright idea to cosplay her cat to promote her latest book. As the headline says, I lived. 😸 Galactic Search and Rescue, the latest story in my Central Galactic Concordance space opera romance series, has pets. Specifically, an…

Let your hearts -- and pets -- be light. Happy Holidays! Photos of a dog and a cat wearing holiday lights.

Hope for the Holidays

Hope for the Holidays I love the spirit of the holidays. The music, the food, festive lights, and all the good will. Okay, maybe not the thundersnow. And this year, even though we still have more dark days ahead of us, we have hope for the holidays. Not one, but two vaccines are already winging…

Escape with Pets in Space 5!

Escape with Pets In Space 5!

Escape with Pets In Space® 5! Pets in Space® 5 is back for the fifth amazing year! Escape with 12 of today’s top science fiction romance authors and 12 original, never-before-released stories written just for you. Escape into action, adventure, suspense, humor, and romance—plus pets!—that will take you out of this world. The giving doesn’t…

Cat lying at the top of the stairs

3 Tips from Carol’s Cats for Living in Uncertain Times

3 Tips from Carol’s Cats for Living in Uncertain Times Hello. We’re Carol’s cats. We see that the Interesting Times Fairy has descended, rudely and uninvited, for an extended visit. It’s like the old saying, life is what happens when you make other plans. We felines feel your pain and want to help. Therefore, these…

Cats of War Excerpt #3

Cats of War Excerpt #3

Cats of War Excerpt #3 I love the idea of pets in space. Humans are hardwired for pets. I’ll bet you a small moon that when we humans finally make it to the stars, we’re taking our pets with us. And if we find other alien lifeforms that don’t eat us, we’ll try to make…

Cats of War Excerpt #2

Cats of War Excerpt #2, in Honor of the New Release Cats of War released yesterday—hooray! My Central Galactic Concordance (CGC) space opera series has a grand, sprawling plot going on about evolutionary change and rebellion. I love all its twists and turns, but sometimes I like to take a break and visit the unexplored…

Cats of War Excerpt #1

Cats of War Excerpt #1

Cats of War Excerpt #1 CATS OF WAR is a standalone novella in my Central Galactic Concordance space opera series. In the grand timeline, it takes place after the events in Jumper’s Hope, but is not a part of the big damn story arc. It debuted in the limited-edition science fiction romance anthology Embrace the…

Places I Write

Places I Write

Places I Write (Author in Space) I enjoy seeing—and am sometimes envious of—the lovely spaces my author friends have created for their writing. I’ve always said that if I win the lottery, I’ll decorate my office to look like a starship bridge. Until that day, these are some of the places I write. Like all…

My Cat Cosplays Cats of War

My Cat Cosplays Cats of War In case it hasn’t been blindingly obvious from my previous posts, authors are crazy. When I wrote Cats of War, a space opera romance novella, for last year’s limited-edition Embrace the Passion: Pets in Space 3 anthology, I commissioned a costume. For my cat.  My muse is from outer…