
Photo of author Carol Van Natta. Photo by Regina Wamba.

New Author Photo for Me

I’ve been in two businesses for a long time that require official photos. I’m not talking about photos for driver licenses or passports, or even avatars. I mean the photo that officially represents me. In the acting business, I’ve had hundreds of photos of me, and that’s not counting film or television appearances. In the…

Illustration of a quilt depicting a rocket launch, and the numbers "2025" across the top. Image by Carol Van Natta and MidJourney

Plans and Goals for 2025

Last year was a “rebuilding year,” the euphemism I like to use when things didn’t go as planned. However, I made some changes that I hope will keep me more on track in the coming year. These are my plans and goals for 2025. Goals Are Dreams with Deadlines Dreaming big, then making attainable plans…

AI Art for Fall 2024

AI Art for Fall 2024

AI-generated image services are still entertaining enough to keep me off the streets and out of the karaoke bars. The greatest hits are still dominated by MidJourney, but Ideogram and others are rising up the charts. These are my adventures in AI art for Fall 2024. Want more AI art? See these previous posts for…

Stylized illustration of a girl wearing headphones and holding a phone in a futuristic setting, generated by MidJourney

AI Art for Spring 2024

As far as generative AI art services, I find that MidJourney (MJ) is still the leader for most things I want to do. Not all, mind you, because sometimes MJ whiffs it. As I’ve mentioned before, the services vary significantly across the platforms in terms of prompts. What works well in one may be a…

Audiobook News for 2024

Audiobook News for 2024

In audiobook news for 2024, if you’ve been looking for audiobook versions of my stories, there’s been a glitch. The good news is that my Ice Age Shifters® paranormal romance series has audiobook versions. My Central Galactic Concordance space opera series had audiobook versions, and will have again. The bad news is that none of…

Galactic Pirates Collection: A Kickstarter Special

Galactic Pirates Collection: A Kickstarter Special

Announcing my first Kickstarter campaign — whee! I’m calling it the Galactic Pirates Collection, a Kickstarter special. It’s in pre-launch right now while I finalize all the parts that make it special. ❗ UPDATE 27 Feb 2024: CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED! ❗ The campaign will start a short run at the end of this month. If you…

Abstract illustration showing white on one half and blue stars on the other, with starships leaving the blue stars, generated by MidJourney

AI Art for Winter 2024

Several highly popular generative AI art services continue to roll out new versions. I primarily use MidJourney, but dabble in others, notably NightCafé. I’ve seen impressive results by others from DALL-E v. 3, but I haven’t played with it myself for over a year. The nuances of prompting — describing the image you want —…

Watercolor illustration of an open book, generated by MidJourney

How to Kickstarter a Project

Kickstarter is an online all-or-nothing crowdfunding platform that helps people find creative projects to support. Artists offer special benefits to people who pledge support for a creative project. If the project meets its funding goal, the artist gets the funds, and the backers get the rewards. If the project doesn’t make it, no one’s credit…

Illustration of a futuristic computer table, and the words "PLANS 2024"

Plans for 2024

Most years, but not all (looking at you, horrible COVID year!), it’s fun to look ahead. I come from a long line of folks who are rather bad at looking back, so that section will be brief. The more interesting sections — to me, at any rate — are plans for 2024.  2023 Plans vs….

Coloring Pages Just For Fun

Coloring Pages Just For Fun

Sometimes when I need a break so my brain can have time to think, but I can’t go for a walk, I get generative AI art services to make some coloring pages just for fun. As is always the way with A.I. anything, some attempts are more successful than others.  Fair warning: This is image-heavy…