paranormal romance

Plans for 2022

Plans for 2022

Plans for 2022 This is my annual post about futuristic thinking. That’s the fun way of saying “my plans for 2022.”  Do I actually follow these plans? Yes… ish. They’re high-level enough to allow wiggle room. More importantly, they’re not etched on titanium. I can adjust them based on unexpected detours and opportunities. Not to…

Woman standing in the surf with magical sparks from her staff and in the sky

Looking Forward to New Beginnings

Looking Forward to New Beginnings I’m not generally introspective, but recent changes in my life, some planned and some quite unexpectedly sudden, have me reflecting a bit. Mostly, I’m looking forward to new beginnings. Previous New Beginnings I began my solo author career in 2014 with the publication of Overload Flux, book 1 in my…

Revisiting World Domination

Revisiting World Domination

Revisiting World Domination: Revised Plans for 2020 This time of year, I usually look back at the grand plan I create in January and make minor adjustments. Funnily enough, while my World Domination Plan hoped no calamities would arise, it didn’t even contemplate the possibility of a global pandemic. How terribly unimaginative of me. So…

In Graves Below Re-Release

In Graves Below Re-Release TL;DR version: In Graves Below is available from all major book sellers. The paperback version will likely be coming out in September. Click the pretty buttons below to buy your copy today.  Astute readers with good memories will notice that this is very like the book I originally published in 2016…