Kickstarter: Ice Age Shifters Deluxe Paperbacks
Check out my new Kickstarter for Ice Age Shifters deluxe paperbacks! Full-page illustrations, decorated chapter headings, and more.
Check out my new Kickstarter for Ice Age Shifters deluxe paperbacks! Full-page illustrations, decorated chapter headings, and more.
Which Audiobooks in 2022? My space opera series, the Central Galactic Concordance, has 4 novels that are also available in audiobook format. These are published by Tantor Media, and available at most major audiobook retailers. Since more and more people are listening to audiobooks these days, I thought I’d start on producing more of them…
Shifter’s Storm Is Now in Paperback Now you can complete your Ice Age Shifters collection because Shifter’s Storm in now in paperback. Special note for fans of the series: Chantal Hammond is the grown-up daughter of Jackie Breton from Shifter Mate Magic. Chantal also made brief appearances in Shift of Destiny and Dire Wolf Wanted. Dauro…
Ghosts in the Books The other day, my cat saw a ghost in my bookcase. At least I assume that was the cause of the suddenly fluffy tail and startled look before he bolted. Just because I’m a skeptic and can’t see ghosts in the books doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Cats have far better…
Character Naming Secrets A reader recently asked if I have any character naming secrets, and where I came up with the name of Mairwen Morganthur, the heroine of Overload Flux. I’ll tell you the same thing I told him, but first I must dispel the notion that there any secrets to naming characters. Just as…
The Age of Megafauna The concept for my Ice Age Shifters® paranormal romance series arose from my hobby of reading science articles. “What if,” I said to my muse, “some shifters were born as throwbacks to the earlier, larger versions of species?” My muse liked the idea, and the series was born. And lucky me,…
Flamingos Are Delightful I love animals, which is why I write shifter paranormal romances (PNRs) and animals appear in half of my space opera series. It’s the fault of my cats, of course. 😸 When writing Shifter’s Storm, I needed the heroine, Chantal Hammond, to be in Florida so it would be easier for her…
Hurricane Recovery for Puerto Rico and Its Islands My latest paranormal romance, Shifter’s Storm (Ice Age Shifters Book 5), takes place on the island of Vieques, part of Puerto Rico. I took my inspiration from the news reports about the tremendous damage done by 2017’s Hurricane Maria. Hurricane recovery for Puerto Rico has been abominably…
Shifter’s Storm Excerpt Chantal Hammond is the heroine of Shifter’s Storm, the latest book in the Ice Age Shifters paranormal romance series. She’s a modern and independent-minded leopard shifter. She’s also a sheriff’s deputy on loan to another jurisdiction. Cougar shifters run the tiny Barron County, Florida sheriff’s department, but they haven’t been very welcoming….
About Prehistoric Aquatic Sloths (Thalossocnus) The hero of Shifter’s Storm (Ice Age Shifters Book 5) is Dauro de Mar, a shifter trapped in a fairy fantasyland. His animal side is an extinct aquatic sloth (Thalassocnus) from the Ice Age. As you might imagine, this quite surprised his elephant-seal shifter parents. When the story opens, he’s…
Excerpt from Shifter’s Storm The hero of my latest paranormal romance, Shifter’s Storm (Ice Age Shifters Book 5), is Dauro de Mar. He and his fellow captives were bought by a greedy fairy who collected exotic aquatic shifters. Dauro has been there the longest, and was the first acquisition. Where is “there,” you ask? A…
Three Go-To Recipes for Gatherings I’m a very lucky author. When I’m working on a book deadline (which is pretty much any day ending in ‘Y’), the resident mad scientist does most of the cooking in our secret lair… er, house. However, I occasionally borrow his laboratory… er, kitchen for special occasions such as potlucks…
Cover Reveal for Shifter’s Storm (Ice Age Shifters Book 5) At last I can present the cover reveal for Shifter’s Storm (Ice Age Shifters Book 5). The fabulously spiffy cover for this and the rest the series are all designed by the very talented Amanda Kelsey of Razzle Dazzle Design. Shifter’s Storm starts a new…
More Prehistoric Dire Wolves (Canis Dirus) And Not the Friendly Kind My Ice Age Shifters® series is paranormal romance with a twist. Shapeshifters magically share their soul with animals, such as wolves, bears, tigers, bulls, and more. Rare shapeshifters share their souls with ancient animals from the Ice Age. I already told you some fun…
About Mythical Ahklut in the Ice Age Shifters® World In Dire Wolf Wanted, Ice Age Shifters Book 4, the heroine is Rayne Chakal, a covert agent and a prehistoric dire wolf shifter, which makes her very rare. (See my posts on prehistoric bears, lions, and Rayne’s sister, also a dire wolf.) The hero of the…
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