
Illustration of a cat in a space helmet for Pets in Space 6

SF Pets, Podcast, and More

SF Pets, Podcast, and More Occasionally I escape from the writing cave, or as I think of it, my own little pocket universe, and visit the world at large. Recently, I wrote a guest post on SF pets, appeared on a podcast, and more. Pets in Science Fiction The folks over at Shepherd were kind…

Reader Favorite Characters, Pet Trade, and Whimsy Con (Podcast)

Reader Favorite Characters, Pet Trade, and Whimsy Con Carol Van Natta’s Video Podcast #3 This is my author podcast number 3, about reader favorite characters, Pet Trade, and Whimsy Con. Authoring may seem serious, but I’m mostly silly, at least on video. Astute readers will note the number above and deduce there are two previous…

SFR Galaxy Awards, Medical Care in Space Opera, and a Dinosaur (Podcast)

SFR Galaxy Awards, Medical Care in Space Opera, and a Dinosaur Carol Van Natta’s Video Podcast #2 This is podcast number 2 in my quest to share more silliness with the world, this time, about the SFR Galaxy Awards, space opera, and more. If you missed the first one, watch it here. Because I once…

A Podcast About Self-Publishing

NCW Podcast #40 Stars Me! OK, and Others Interested in self-publishing? Tune in to the recent NCW Podcast to hear three shy (cough) and unopinionated (cough) women talk about going the self-publishing route and the choices available. Hosted by Rich Keller of Northern Colorado Writers, the podcast is available from Podomatic, and on iTunes and…

NCW Podcast Guest Appearance

Can you really say it’s a “podcast guest appearance” even if it’s only audio? The Northern Colorado Writers group, of which I’m a member, produces a regular podcast, the NCW Podcast. Richard Keller, of Wooden Pants Publishing, is the host, and had me in recently to talk about independent publishing, science fiction romance, and my…