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3 Websites for Favorite-Genre Books

Three websites to find favorite-genre books to read

3 Websites for Favorite-Genre Books

You know how sometimes, you just want to find a book in one of your favorite genre without wading through thousands? Booksellers have gotten better about categories, but many of them use the same groupings you’d find in a physical bookstore. And let’s be honest, some put their thumb on the scale and first show you the books they want you to buy. Also, booksellers have some odd notions about books. For example, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t look in the romance section for Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Therefore, I’ve been pleased to find 3 websites for favorite-genre books that are all about helping you find books you want to read.

I should note that my books are listed at all three of these sites. Furthermore, I chose these three sites because they are:

  • my favorite genres,
  • reader-centric, and
  • list books by both independent and traditionally published authors.

Lastly, I’ll note that if you’re looking for other genres, Goodreads has a bazillion lists of books curated by groups and individual readers.

SFR Station

SFR Station is one of 3 websites for favorite-genre books

The SFR Station website focuses on science fiction romance books. It’s been around the longest of the three and has an excellent selection of books to choose from, plus a variety of ways to find them (author, pairing type, trope, and more). Use the Advanced Search feature to drill down on more specific terms.

Readers can also sign up for the weekly newsletter that lists the most recent additions to the website, which is a great way to keep up on what’s happening in the world of science fiction romance. The websiite is my favorite of three for clean design and easy navigation.


Love Romance Reads

Love Romance Reads is a favorite genre, too

The Love Romance Reads website boasts a wide variety of romance books, from Adventure to YA and everything in between. The site lists books and authors, offers reader-focused blogs by guest authors, and a weekly newsletter. They also run monthly contests designed to help you find new books and authors.

LRR helps you find books by grouping them into 40+ genres and subgenres (click the Genres menu from the top of the home page). They’ve also organized a monthly Book Club for readers to help you find out about new books you might like to read.


Liminal Fiction

Liminal Fiction website helps find favorite genres

The Liminal Fiction website features speculative fiction (a.k.a. science fiction) books. It’s the newest of the three sites. It’s especially friendly to books with LGTBQIA characters and relationships and/or by LGTBQIA authors. The site’s helpful Filter Search page helps you narrow down your choices to find books of interest.

Readers can create a free account and create “TBR,” “currently reading,” and “already read” lists, plus a favorite author list. Also, LimFic offers monthly free ebook giveaways if you sign up for the mailing lists. They send a weekly newsletter with new releases, sales, reviews, and the opportunity to get more new free ebooks each month.

The site is sponsored by the authors listed on the site, so it’s a limited but growing list of authors and books from which to choose.

If you know of any other reader-centric sites for other genres, such as romantic suspense, adventure/thriller, or paranormal romance, feel free to share your recommendations in the comments. 💖