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Pets in Space is Back Again!

Pets in Space is Back Again!

Pets in Space is back - mark your calendar for 8 May

🚀 Woo-hoo! PETS IN SPACE® is back, and I’m one of the authors! And just look at the fantastic group of authors I’ll have the honor of working with in Pets in Space 5:

  • S.E. Smith
  • Michelle Diener
  • Veronica Scott
  • Pauline Baird Jones
  • Laurie A. Green
  • Carol Van Natta (hey, that’s me!)
  • Regine Abel
  • Alexis Glynn Latner
  • JC Hay
  • Kyndra Hatch
  • Cassandra Chandler
  • Leslie Chase

Pets in Space is an annual limited-edition anthology of science fiction romance stories that feature love among the stars, plus pets! Since this is science fiction, the pets are just as varied as you might imagine, which is half the fun. I’ll tell you more about them soon.

📅 Mark your calendar for 8 May, when the preorder for limited-edition PETS IN SPACE 5 goes on sale. Do that right now, while you’re thinking of it — I’ll be right here when you get back. 🐾 If you’d rather wait, the anthology’s release date is 6 October, so you could put that date on your calendar instead.

By the way, if you sign up for the Pets In Space anthology newsletter, you’ll get all the fun updates right in your inbox: http://www.petsinspaceantho.com/stay-in-touch/

Pets in Space Benefits Charity

I’ve had stories (Pet Trade and Cats of War) in two previous anthologies, and am happy to be a part of it again this year. The stories fun to write, because I love animals.

More importantly, Pets In Space continues to support the fabulous charity Hero-Dogs.org. They provide trained service dogs to disabled veterans and first-responders to help them regain their independence and improve quality of life. Our current medical technology can work miracles in saving people’s lives, but we’re not so good at helping people live independent lives afterward. Hero Dogs helps with that, one dog at a time. ❤ The anthology authors have donated close to $20,000 to this organization in the last four years.

My Story

My story for this year’s anthology is set in my space opera universe, but not part of the big damn story arc that’s going on. I’ll tell you more about it soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to meet some of the authors on Facebook, check out the Pets in Space readers group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PetsInSpace/


stylized rocketship illustration

The Pets in Space anthology is science fiction romance plus pets