Spark Transform

Work In Progress, with an image of a space-suited figure

Proof of Work in Progress

Proof of Work in Progress In my Central Galactic Concordance space opera series, I’ve been working on the most feral manuscript ever. By that, I mean that I’ve fought for every word to get the characters and plot right. It’s a pivotal story  in the Big Damn Story Arc that’s going on and has a…

Journalism in the future. Central Galactic Concordance series. Space opera, adventure, romance.

Journalism in the Far Future

Journalism in the Far Future In my space opera series, a free and independent press is one of the founding principles of the Central Galactic Concordance. In the far future, journalism has developed new methods, tools, and outlets. But the fundamental purpose is the same: to shine a bright light on the truth. The previous…

When real life overtakes (science) fiction, the future is now

When Real Life Overtakes Fiction

When Real Life Overtakes Fiction I write science fiction and fantasy, so I get to create imaginary things and events all the time. I also love reading about scientific advances, historical events, and fascinating people. They spark my muse, especially when they make me think, “Cool! What if….?”. However, sometimes this comes back to bite…