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Anthologies Make Great Gifts

Anthologies Make Great Gifts

Photo of an e reader with an anthology box set and the title Anthologies Make Great Gifts

Anthologies are like holiday smorgasbords, where you can nibble all day long and try a little of everything. When life is stressful and you don’t have a lot of time, short stories and novellas are perfect mini-vacations to escape with. Therefore, anthologies make great gifts for friends, family, and you. Here are four recommendations.

Anthology Gift #1: Pets in Space 5

Cover design for Pets in Space 5 and anthologies make great giftsWhat better gift than a science fiction romance anthology with pets along for the adventure? I’m listing this one first because I have a story in it. But more importantly, it’s a limited edition and will soon leave the galaxy for good. Get it now while you still can.

Escape with Pets in Space® 5 for the 5th amazing year! Twelve authors, 12 original, never-before-released stories from today’s leading science fiction romance authors. Enjoy hours away from the world and help us make a difference as we continue to support the fabulous Hero-Dogs.org charity for disabled veterans and first-responders for the 5th incredible year! Grab your copy today!

Buy Pets In Space 5 from your favorite bookseller now


Anthology Gift #2: The Good Cheer Holiday Bundle

Covers of 10 stories in the Good Holiday Cheer anthology that makes a great giftStory Bundles are a different kind of anthology. They’re curated, limited-edition, themed collections with a base price, plus add-on extras if you want more stories. You can ask some of your purchase price to support their charity. And bonus — they have a great “this is a gift” option, too. Check this one out soon before it turns to fairy dust.

Curator Dean Wesley Smith says, “When putting this Good Holiday Cheer Bundle together, I did my best to find not only great novels set around the holiday season, but a lot of short stories as well. After all, we are all busy in one way or another during this time of year, and sometimes we have time for a longer escape, sometimes we need just a short respite. Or something in between.” Read more about the 10 books in the bundle, and make sure to click on each cover for a synopsis, reviews, and preview of each book. You’ll find paranormal romance, light mystery, silly humor, and more. Their worthy charity is AbleGamers, an organization that provides assistive equipment to enable people with disabilities so they can enjoy video games.

Buy the Good Holiday Cheer Story Bundle today


Anthology Gift #3: Rogue Stars

Photo of the Rogue Stars anthology that makes a great gift for scifi fansThis amazingly good science fiction anthology is also amazingly bargain priced at 99¢ for the holidays. At this price, it’d make a great stocking stuffer for all your sci-fi reader friends.

Rogue Stars is 7 novels of space exploration and adventure by bestselling authors, including C. Gockel, Ppppa DaCosta, Chris Reher, G.S. Jennsen, Mal Cooper, Patty Jansen, and Salvador Mercer.

Jump into exploring the last great frontier. Rogue Stars has alien invasions, artificial intelligence, galactic intrigue, and heroes that will defy orders to do what is right.

Buy Rogue Stars and blast off today


Anthology Gift #4: Star Crossed

Photo of the Star Crossed anthology for gift givingHere’s an anthology of scifi romance. Yes, it has one of my books in it, but in my defense, the anthology is FREE for tho holidays. That’s a heck of a lot of good books for giving to family, friends, book clubs, or your secret-Santa recipients.

The anthology has 7 full-length novels that explore the future without forgetting that the most dangerous battles will always be within the human heart. Aliens, AI, cyborgs, galactic empires, space battles, and romance…you’ll find them all here, along with heroines and heroes you’ll cheer for.

Warm Your Heart with Star-Crossed for FREE!

Photo Credit for top image: Emma Matthews Digital Content Production @ Unsplash.com