Fabulous Iceland Adventure Part 2
When my friend and part-time travel companion Nancy and her husband Harl said, “Let's go to Iceland!”, I said “yes.” This post has lots of photos from my fabulous Iceland adventure Part 2. (Click the photos to see bigger versions.) See my other post, Fabulous Iceland Adventure Part 1, for a handy map of the country.
We Like Food
The food was plentiful and good. When Icelandic restaurants offer lamb, it's tender and mild like it should be. (Sometimes U.S. venues think mutton and lamb are the same, which they are not.) I will mention that if you're vegetarian or vegan, you might be challenged to find fresh vegetables on restaurant menus. Where possible, we stayed in homes and apartments with kitchens, so we stocked up on vegetables at the local grocery stores, which are rather, um, pink.
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Fabulous Friends and Cute Animals
My friends Nancy and Harl did all of the driving, including through a couple of exciting one-way tunnels.
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The sheep of Iceland outnumber the citizens by two to one. They are drama queens who like to pretend they've never seen a car before in their lives. Icelandic horses are wily and sassy, and prefer to stand in noble, highly photogenic photos in places where you absolutely cannot stop to take their picture. Reykjavik, the largest city by far, is famous for cats. I was thrilled to see them; my allergic friend Nancy, not so much.
Tourist Adventures in Iceland
Iceland has done a good job of developing its tourist attractions. Their success comes with a price, though, with increased crowds, real estate prices, and trash. We read a wonderful book, The Little Book of Tourists in Iceland by Alda Sigmundsdottir, to help us be good guests.
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