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Appearing at Fort Collins Comic Con

Fort Collins Comic Con

Fort Collins Comic ConScience fiction and fantasy romance authors Carol Van Natta* and Melisse Aires** will be appearing as authors at the Fort Collins Comic Con, 27-28 August 2016, at the Northside Aztlan Center in Fort Collins. There will be photos. 😉


Saturday, 27 August – VENDOR ROOM (Northside Aztlan Center)

2:00 -4:00 p.m. Book signing and schmoozing with fans and readers at the Wooden Pants Publishing table in the vendor room. Come on in and let us give you small presents and sell you shiny new books. 🙂

Sunday, 28 August – THE BUS (2nd floor)

10:00 – 10:50 a.m.Science Fiction Romance” panel, with Rich Keller of Wooden Pants Publishing and Drew Bankston, science fiction author. Delve into the sub-genre of science fiction romance and discuss some of the books and stories that are part of it and have even won awards.
UPDATE: Here is a link to the online version of the handout.

Here’s a map: https://fococomiccon.com/schedule/maps/

NOTE: Parking is very limited and frankly, uhm, a pain in the ass. Be prepared to walk, or look for shuttles, or if walking is a problem, have someone drop you off.

About Fort Collins Comic Con 2016 (from their website)

“Fort Collins Comic Con 2015 brought together 1,800 geeks, pop-culture enthusiasts, gamers, fans, artists, writers, creators, cosplayers, and more into the Northside Aztlan Community Center on September 12, 2015. The sell-out crowd helped us raise $15,000 for the Poudre River Public Library District

2016’s Fort Collins Comic Con will be held at the Northside Aztlan Community Center and will feature 3 guest stars, have an estimated 2,500 in attendance, and we think we’ll raise close to $20,000 for the Poudre River Public Library District this time around!”


* That’s me!

** Of Diaspora Worlds series fame: www.MelisseAiresBooks.com

Fort Collins Comic Con