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Paranormal Romance: In Graves Below

Paranormal Romance: In Graves Below (Super-Seckrit Project Revealed)

Paranormal Romance IN GRAVES BELOWDeep in the subterranean fortress* that is my office, I’ve been working on a secret side project (see my recent post) that can now be unveiled. While my muse’s home base is science fiction, it loves vacations in various other genres, such as fantasy, action, mystery, paranormal, romance, and adventure, any or all of which are likely to turn up in my books.

Before the author gods meddled took an interest in my fate, my plan was to write a few books in my flagship Central Galactic Concordance space opera series, then start a new series or two, to provide new catnip for my muse. An email in December changed my timetable.

At the 2015 Romance Convention in Denver, I fangirled with several science fiction and fantasy romance authors, including Eve Langlais, Michelle Howard, M. K. Eidem, Evelyn Lederman, Michele Callahan, Sylvia McDaniel, and more. Among them was USA Today and NY Times bestselling author S.E. Smith, who is prolific, smart, and charming. A bunch of us sat around one evening and tormented the hotel staff by ordering a succession of appetizers while monopolizing the lounge, and talked about everything in the galaxy, from writing, to families, to technology, to how to smuggle kittens onto airplanes. We’ve more or less kept in touch via Facebook (where a lot of SFR authors hang out, and you should totally check us out).

In Graves Below is a paranormal romance released on May 5
Can a disabled veteran and a magical dancer learn the secret of dreamwalk, or will demons turn Denver into an all-you-can-eat buffet?

Fast forward to December 2015, when THE Susan Smith asks if I’d be interested in writing a paranormal or science fiction romance novella in her “Magic, New Mexico” universe, as one of the seed authors in a Kindle Worlds** project. Me? With only 2½ books out at the time? Yes, she really meant me.

I agreed, despite the fact that I’ve only written one short novella in my life. Then I found out I’m in the company of eight much-more-successful authors than me. Yay for me! So, here it is. My first paranormal romance, In Graves Below.

In Graves Below (A Paranormal Romance) Releases on May 5

Most people have trouble surviving one prophesy. Disabled veteran Idrián and dancer Riya have to survive two, and stop a demon horde from eating Denver. No pressure!

“Magic, New Mexico: Where being abnormal is the norm!”

If paranormal romance is your catnip, please check out all the books in the Magic, New Mexico Kindle World launch.

*It’s my basement; I get to call it whatever I like.

**Apparently, I’d been living in a cave, because Kindle Worlds was new to me. Briefly, Amazon licenses books they think might generate some decent fan-fiction stories and gives them a home (not to mention, visibility). Fan fiction can be profitable—just ask E.L. James of 50 Shades of Gray—so it’s an innovative idea. Love or hate Amazon (I’m generally a fan, but not blind to their faults), but they do know how to pioneer ideas.