
New Captain at Pets in Space - Illustration of a woman and a cat standing in a spaceport

New Captain at Pets in Space

New Captain at Pets in Space You may have noticed that I’ve absolutely adored Pets in Space® concept and the charity it supports, Enough so that I’ve contributed stories to three of the five anthologies since it started, including this year’s Pets in Space 5. Today, I’m announcing that starting in 2021, I’ll be…

Photo of an e reader with an anthology box set and the title Anthologies Make Great Gifts

Anthologies Make Great Gifts

Anthologies Make Great Gifts Anthologies are like holiday smorgasbords, where you can nibble all day long and try a little of everything. When life is stressful and you don’t have a lot of time, short stories and novellas are perfect mini-vacations to escape with. Therefore, anthologies make great gifts for friends, family, and you. Here…

Help us help veterans and first-responders and Pets in Space

Veterans, First-Responders, and Pets in Space

Veterans, First-Responders, and Pets in Space Outside of the lovely stories, my favorite part of the Pets in Space® anthologies is their support of the Hero Dogs charity. Every year, the anthology has donated at least 10% of the first month’s profits to this excellent cause—over $15,000 in the last four years. Hero Dogs provides…