Pets in Space 7

Farewell to Pets in Space 7

Farewell to Pets in Space 7

Farewell to Pets in Space 7 Just a quick reminder that Pets in Space 7 is a limited-edition anthology. They’re only on the planet for a short visit. If you don’t already have your copy, this is your last chance. Otherwise, it’s farewell to Pets in Space 7 forever. Don’t miss out — get Pets…

Service Dogs, Griffins, and Heroes

Service Dogs, Griffins, and Heroes

Service Dogs, Griffins, and Heroes The griffins in An Entanglement of Griffins, my story in Pets in Space 7, are an adventurous lot. They are bold, delightful, mischievous, and utterly charming.  Griffins might qualify as emotional support animals, if you don’t mind that they’ll get into anything and everything. They can’t help it. That kind…