Author: Carol Van Natta

Life is Easy; Comedy is Hard

Sure, I’m a writer, but I’m also a reader with opinions. I like comedy, especially absurd comedy, witty comedy, biting comedy. I co-wrote a retro-SF comedy called Hooray for Holopticon, which I’d call a romp. I wrote a screenplay called “It’s Your Bank” that’s a farce. It’s hard to write good comedy, and I deeply admire…

Pet Peeves About Romance Novels

Pet Peeves About Romance Novels There are things that drive me crazy about romance novels these days. When I was ready (OK, driven) to write a science fiction/action series that starts with Overload Flux, it came to me, as I outlined the story arc, that all the planned novels involve romantic elements. Along with science fiction, action,…

Thank You, Brave Reviewers

As a reader, I’m deeply grateful to the people who read books and take the time to review them.  A few adventurous souls buy and read independent books on a chance, that is, trusting the blurb is true to the story, and that the book has been professionally produced. Most readers of independently published books…

Writing for the Fringe

I wrote a “car play” for the first-ever Fort Collins Fringe Festival last year, and had a blast, so I looked forward to participating again this year.** What’s a car play? A play written to be performed in an actual car, with the audience standing around. I’m surprised you had to ask!   This year,…

The Secret to Dying logo

World Premiere of “The Secret to Dying” at the 2014 Fort Collins Fringe Festival

The world premiere of my short play, “The Secret to Dying” will be Saturday, Sept. 6, 2014 at the Fort Collins Fringe Festival. It stars Abigail Ruth Reidy, Nick Turner, and Kevin Nolan. Rory Quinn has come all the way from London to a New York speakeasy to collect one of two things: a debt,…

Hello Galaxy

I’m surprised you’re reading this, actually. It’s the first post on my newly designed website, because I have start somewhere. I’m in the final stretch of finishing Overload Flux, the first novel in a new series. It’s an independently published science fiction-action-romance novel of around 99,000 words, and will be available for Kindle, Nook, Kobo,…