Solstice SFR Sale, June 17-20
Solstice SFR Sale
The upcoming solstice — summer for the northern hemisphere, winter for the southern — is a good reason to read science fiction romance. Actually, any day is a good day to read science fiction romance, but here’s your chance to get seven great SFR books for 99¢ (USD or equivalent) or free!
What better way to start the change in seasons than reading a good science fiction book? Even planets in the flung future have axial tilts and longest/shortest days of the year. Don’t miss out—get your books today!
Overload Flux (an SFR Galaxy Award winner) by Carol Van Natta
Amazon Kindle – 99¢
Love Like No other by USA Today bestselling author Michele Howard
Amazon Kindle – 99¢
Beyond Galaxy’s Edge by NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Anna Hackett
Amazon Kindle – 99¢
The Gaia Gambit by Christine Pope
Amazon Kindle The Power of Three by Kate Pearce
Amazon Kindle – 99¢
Trial and Temptation by USA Today bestselling author Ruby Lionsdrake
Amazon Kindle – FREE!
Prophecy by Lea Kirk
Amazon Kindle – 99¢