Author: Carol Van Natta

Places I Write

Places I Write

Places I Write (Author in Space) I enjoy seeing—and am sometimes envious of—the lovely spaces my author friends have created for their writing. I’ve always said that if I win the lottery, I’ll decorate my office to look like a starship bridge. Until that day, these are some of the places I write. Like all…

My Cat Cosplays Cats of War

My Cat Cosplays Cats of War In case it hasn’t been blindingly obvious from my previous posts, authors are crazy. When I wrote Cats of War, a space opera romance novella, for last year’s limited-edition Embrace the Passion: Pets in Space 3 anthology, I commissioned a costume. For my cat.  My muse is from outer…

Evolution of Space Opera

The Evolution of Space Opera I still get questions from time to time about what space opera is, and whether it involves singing*. This is my take on it, and a brief discussion of the evolution of space opera. Science fiction, romance, and mystery all are big enough genres in terms of writers and readers…

Star Crossed: 7 Novels Anthology is Free

Star Crossed: 7 Novels Anthology is Free Star Crossed: 7 Novels of Space Exploration, Alien Races, Adventure, and Romance is a science fiction romance anthology with first-in-series novels from bestselling and award-winning authors. My entry in the anthology is Overload Flux, from my Central Galactic Concordance series. Right now, the Star Crossed: 7 Novels anthology…

2018 SFR Galaxy Awards

2018 SFR Galaxy Awards

2018 SFR Galaxy Awards The SFR Galaxy Awards are unique. They are awarded by seven judges who select outstanding science fiction romance books published in a given year. Nominations are secret (just like the Nobel Prizes!), and the winners are announced at the end of January. The 2018 SFR Galaxy Awards represent the best of…

2019 Themes for the Year

2019 Themes for the Year

2019 Themes for the Year My author friend S.J. Pajonas, who writes excellent Japanese-themed science fiction romance and cozy mysteries, asserts that new-year themes are better than resolutions. I agree. I find resolutions easy to make and hard to keep. For one, I lose the list. For another, I have a contrary streak, and “for…

Snippet from Overload Flux

Snippet from Overload Flux

Snippet from Overload Flux (Central Galactic Concordance Book 1) Since the book is on sale for 99¢ for the holidays, I thought I’d share a little snippet from Overload Flux, the first book in my space opera, adventure, and romance series. In this scene, Mairwen Morganthur, a security guard with a lot of secrets, is…

A Day to Honor Veterans

Pets in Space Celebrates a Day to Honor Veterans ✪ I love that we have a day to honor veterans. ✪ My father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had distinguished careers in the U.S. Army. The resident mad scientist enlisted and went to war. I deeply respect anyone in the military, and do my best to honor…