Author: Carol Van Natta

5-stars for Overload Flux

Another 5 Stars for Overload Flux You’d think I’d be a bit blasé about getting another nice review of Overload Flux, the first novel of my science fiction romance series. It was published in October 2014, and has 60+ reviews, most of them positive, and I’ve since written a second book Minder Rising, that I’m proud…

Romances Are Subversive

No respect for romances Romance authors, even really prolific, best-selling authors, don’t get noticed for major awards, or mentioned in articles about the publishing industry. I’ve seen more than one listing of “most important books” that goes out of its way to snub romance. But, while romances are being dismissed as unimportant, their readers are being…

New release: Minder Rising

New release: Minder Rising (Central Galactic Concordance Book 2) Can covert agent Lièrén Sòng stay alive long enough to save Imara Sesay and her prodigy son? Space opera! Action! Romance! Minder Rising is the second novel in my Central Galactic Concordance series. It’s a standalone story that takes place after the events in Overload Flux, the…

Sizzling Summer Reads Event

Sizzing Summer Reads Event – COMING SOON Stock up on vacation reads for the summer at a big party over at The Romance Reviews (TRR). With 350+ authors and 350+ prizes to be won (including a grand prize of $100), they’re bound to have something that will suit the occasion. Since I’m guessing most of…

OVERLOAD FLUX – Award Finalist

Overload Flux is an Award Finalist (Hooray for Me!) Thanks to the reader judges for selecting Overload Flux (A Central Galactic Concordance Novel) as a finalist for the Readers’ Crown 2015 Award in the Science Fiction/Fantasy/Time Travel category. I’m in with some pretty high-powered talent, so it really is an honor to be nominated. The…

Galactic News Trends

Galactic News Trends Or, What I’ve Been Up to that I Haven’t Been Around Much Galactic news trends, in the Central Galactic Concordance universe, are the trending news topics that everyone in the civilized galaxy is talking about. Because it’s my universe, I can pretend that it’s news that a Certain Author disappeared from her…

Genres Are A Reader’s Friend

Genres: Reader’s Friend, or Straightjacket? A classic Saturday Night Live fake commercial had Dan Akroyd and Gilda Radner arguing about whether a new product, Shimmer, was a floor wax or a desert topping, only to have spokesperson Chevy Chase reveal that it’s both. If you’ve never seen it, watch it here.  I feel that way about…