Author: Carol Van Natta

Ice Age Shifters Audiobooks

Ice Age Shifters Audiobooks  I’ve been wanting audiobook versions of my Ice Age Shifters series, and now they’re finally here. Shifter Mate Magic and Shift of Destiny started showing up at the audiobook sellers this week. The whole series is being professionally narrated by David Brenin, who has produced more than 300 audiobooks and does…

Service Dogs, Griffins, and Heroes

Service Dogs, Griffins, and Heroes

Service Dogs, Griffins, and Heroes The griffins in An Entanglement of Griffins, my story in Pets in Space 7, are an adventurous lot. They are bold, delightful, mischievous, and utterly charming.  Griffins might qualify as emotional support animals, if you don’t mind that they’ll get into anything and everything. They can’t help it. That kind…

More Fun with A.I. Art

More Fun with A.I. Art A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about my adventures with A.I. art. This is a followup with more images and more lessons learned. I’ve mostly had more fun with A.I. art, but I’m also discovering its limitations. And my limitations, too.  Prompts: The Key to Success Prompts are…

Adventures in AI-Generated Art

Adventures in AI-Generated Art

Adventures in AI-Generated Art AI-generated art is a hot topic these days. Color me intrigued.😻 So, I went on a bit of a quest to see what’s happening. These are my adventures in AI-generated art in the last month. Yes, I should have been writing, but there it is. NOTE: This is a graphics-heavy post…

Vacation for August

Vacation for August

Vacation for August Just a quick note to say I’m not lost in space, I’m just taking a little vacation from blog posts for August. I’ll pick back up with new posts again in September. Graphic licensed from

Space Opera Romance Paperbacks

Space Opera Romance Paperbacks

New Space Opera Romance Paperbacks For you paperback fans, I’ve been updating my space opera romance series with new paperback versions. There’s great comfort in holding a book in your hands, and knowing where you are in the story. Plus, I love seeing my snazzy cover designs in print. So, here are the space opera…

The Shady Pet Trade Industry

The Shady Pet Trade Industry

The Shady Pet Trade Industry in My Space Opera Series The Galactic Pets Collection in my space opera series features three tales of adventure, romance, and pets. In the background of all three stories is the shady pet trade industry. The Pet Trade Operates in the Shady Parts of the Galaxy In the far future…

Paperback Book Options

Paperback Book Options

Paperback Book Options My space opera romance novellas are in need of new paperback versions. While ebooks are delightfully convenient and easy to carry, some readers still love the kinesthetic feel of paperback books in their hands. If this is you, please look at the paperback book options below and take the tiny survey.  These…

Mysterious Pirate Clan

Mysterious Pirate Clan

Mysterious Pirate Clan Writing novellas for the Pets in Space® anthologies and others gives me the chance to explore subjects that are usually in the background of my space opera series. Previous stories tackled the ethics-challenged designer pet business (Pet Trade), the futuristic prison industry (Cats of War), and the first responders (Galactic Search and…

Proof of Work in Progress

Proof of Work in Progress

Proof of Work in Progress In my Central Galactic Concordance space opera series, I’ve been working on the most feral manuscript ever. By that, I mean that I’ve fought for every word to get the characters and plot right. It’s a pivotal story  in the Big Damn Story Arc that’s going on and has a…

Travel Bucket List, Updated

Travel Bucket List, Updated

Travel Bucket List, Updated Oh, my, but I had such thrilling plans at the start of 2020. The places I’d go, the people I’d meet, the things I’d see! Regrettably, the Calamity Fairies so enjoyed causing worldwide havoc that year that they decided to stick around for the next year, too. But I’m a forward-looking,…