Paranormal Romance

Box Set Bonanza 2020

Box Set Bonanza 2020

Early Black Friday Box Set Bonanza 2020 On the theory that everyone welcomes a bargain now and then, especially this time of year, I’ve put both of my box sets on sale for 40% off through the end of November. I’m calling it the Box Set Bonanza 2020. They make great gifts, too — no…

3 favorite paranormal romance themes in science fiction romance

3 Favorite Paranormal Romance Themes in Science Fiction Romance

3 Favorite Paranormal Romance Themes in Science Fiction Romance I read a lot of paranormal romance (PNR) and science fiction romance (SFR). Certain themes (some people call them tropes) in romances call to me, no matter what flavor of romance we’re talking about. I bet you have your favorites, too. I grew up reading science…

4 Reasons Paranormal romance fans will love SciFiRomance

4 Reasons Paranormal Fans Will Adore Science Fiction Romance

4 Reasons Paranormal Fans Will Adore Science Fiction Romance If you’re a paranormal romance fan, I invite you to venture into the new worlds of science fiction romance. You’ll find all the elements you love about paranormal romances, plus fresh stories to read. Here are 4 reasons why paranormal romance readers will enjoy SFR. Discover…

Looking for fresh new stories? Make the leap to science fiction romance!

Make the Leap from Paranormal to Science Fiction Romance

Make the Leap from Paranormal to Science Fiction Romance I love science fiction and fantasy, and I love romances. I especially love it when the two genres blend to bring me the best of both worlds. (Probably why I write them, eh?) If you’re a paranormal romance fan, I’d like to invite you to make…

Revisiting World Domination

Revisiting World Domination

Revisiting World Domination: Revised Plans for 2020 This time of year, I usually look back at the grand plan I create in January and make minor adjustments. Funnily enough, while my World Domination Plan hoped no calamities would arise, it didn’t even contemplate the possibility of a global pandemic. How terribly unimaginative of me. So…



Spotlight on IN GRAVES BELOW Today, I’m shining a spotlight on In Graves Below, the first standalone paranormal romance I ever wrote. May 3 is the book’s publication anniversary. The story came about because Amazon invited S.E. Smith (Susan) to participate in the Kindle Worlds program. Authors opened a story universe to other authors, and…

Ghosts in the Books

Ghosts in the Books

Ghosts in the Books The other day, my cat saw a ghost in my bookcase. At least I assume that was the cause of the suddenly fluffy tail and startled look before he bolted. Just because I’m a skeptic and can’t see ghosts in the books doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Cats have far better…

Author Life: Character Naming Secrets

Character Naming Secrets

Character Naming Secrets A reader recently asked if I have any character naming secrets, and where I came up with the name of Mairwen Morganthur, the heroine of Overload Flux. I’ll tell you the same thing I told him, but first I must dispel the notion that there any secrets to naming characters. Just as…

Prehistoric giant sloths thrived in the age of megafauna

The Age of Megafauna

The Age of Megafauna The concept for my Ice Age Shifters® paranormal romance series arose from my hobby of reading science articles. “What if,” I said to my muse, “some shifters were born as throwbacks to the earlier, larger versions of species?” My muse liked the idea, and the series was born. And lucky me,…

Shifter romance: Bringing legends and myths to life

Legends and Myths

Shifter Romance Brings Legends and Myths to Life I believe humans are the storytelling animal. Important information is easier to remember if it has a story behind it, because stories give it context, emotion, and meaning. Of course, just like my dearly departed grandmother, we also have a tendency to rarely let the truth get…

Flamingos are Delightful in SHIFTER'S STORM

Flamingos Are Delightful

Flamingos Are Delightful I love animals, which is why I write shifter paranormal romances (PNRs) and animals appear in half of my space opera series. It’s the fault of my cats, of course. 😸 When writing Shifter’s Storm, I needed the heroine, Chantal Hammond, to be in Florida so it would be easier for her…

Shifter's Storm, an Ice Age Shifters paranormal romance

Shifter’s Storm Excerpt

Shifter’s Storm Excerpt Chantal Hammond is the heroine of Shifter’s Storm, the latest book in the Ice Age Shifters paranormal romance series. She’s a modern and independent-minded leopard shifter. She’s also a sheriff’s deputy on loan to another jurisdiction. Cougar shifters run the tiny Barron County, Florida sheriff’s department, but they haven’t been very welcoming….

World domination: A plan for authors and their cats

Plans for 2020 (Leap Year!)

Plans for 2020 🎉 First, happy new year, and may the coming year be your best year yet. I’m making plans for 2020 and sharing some of them with you. Because our planet doesn’t have a perfect orbit, we get an extra day this year to mess up our automated calendars. Some of you may…

Ice Age sloth in the Ice Age Shifters paranormal romance series

About Prehistoric Aquatic Sloths (Thalossocnus)

About Prehistoric Aquatic Sloths (Thalossocnus) The hero of Shifter’s Storm (Ice Age Shifters Book 5) is Dauro de Mar, a shifter trapped in a fairy fantasyland. His animal side is an extinct aquatic sloth (Thalassocnus) from the Ice Age. As you might imagine, this quite surprised his elephant-seal shifter parents. When the story opens, he’s…